Ugly person dating site

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But according to a recent study, people would be better off uploading a candid note of themselves and exposing their flaws if they want to snag a hot date. Stan, you see, is ugly. Everyone jumps the gun, telling you to personalize each message you send. Hey, if there's a market for it, then why not. Now of course, we have all met LOTS of ugly men with beautiful women and vice versa and who is to judge what is ugly and what is beautiful. Finally uglies throughout the States are now able to get it together with one another.

Page 1 of 4 , , , Ok so this thread is going to sound alot meaner than it should, I know, I'm sorry in advance : Ok so we have all seen ugly people. And I mean hideously ugly people. And it always seems like the ugly people are in love with other ugly people. My question is this. Do the ugly people actually find ugly people attractive or are they settling because they think they can't get any better. It really isnt intended as mean as it sounds. Rich don't mich with poor, Smart don't mix with dumd, Nice don't mixe with ugly. They know they can mixed so they have to settle. If you are poor, do you have more chances of being ugly and dumb?? Ok so we have all seen ugly people. And I mean hideously ugly people. And it always seems like the ugly people are in love with other ugly people. My question is this. Do the ugly people actually find ugly people attractive or are they settling because they think they can't get any better. Look up the word Irony. That is why it is spelt genious you moron. Secondly, I already explained that it was going to sound worse than it was meant. Third of all, I'm beautiful whether you agree or not. I'm happy with myself, and your desire to make me feel poorly about myself is just showing that you aren't. Edit: Your brand spanking new on here and decide to attack me???? Look through the other forums. Its not worth the effort sweetie. Edit2: Lastly, I wouldnt be eligible for Ms. America cuz I'm canadian teehee. I do agree that ugly is in the eye of the beholder. I think there is someone for everyone. I dont know if they are settling. I dont know if they think the people they are with are beautiful. I just dont know. I think that they find out they are nice people and fall in love. You generally don't see a bunch of ugly people running out and getting divorced, but good looking people may tend to date more people. OT:I noticed in the other threads that mr.

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